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They're not the best looking buttons, I know... Reminder to <style> it to perfection!

Welcome to the experimental grounds...

This is Doritochan001's website! Thanks for your visit! This website is unfortunately still under construction and constantly updating but feel free to redirect yourself to any part of the website you are interested in!


Many years of existence has led you to this moment where you're visiting a random gal's cute website. This website is my heart, containing things about my portafolio/professional stuff and personal/fun projects (Mostly this). I didn't want to make 2 seperate websites for that so I've combined the two for a pleasanter experience. If you wish to learn more about the webmistress, go to the about section! There's also a news section if you like reading site updates.


The word electrocution comes from the words electric and execution.


The story of this website

I first had a carrd account. It was simple to use, but I could only put 50 elements because if you put more you gotta pay for premium! It felt like I had little to do and was limited. I went looking for other reputable site makers: Wix, GoDaddy, SquareSpace, WordPress, Blogspot, Canva? and then Neocities...! I saw many cool and creative sites on here that made me amazed and determined to use this with NO prior experience and knowledge.

I thought Neocities was your typical "drag and drop" element website. But I was met surprise when I saw I had to code. It was even better, because I always wanted to learn how to code someday! So... When first starting, it was a struggle. "What were paragraph and headers?", "What are tables?", "Why is my box constantly breaking?!" and I couldn't set a background without crying inside. My god do I remember that. But I didn't give up and spent my dates holed up in my room coding. I'm glad I did. With enough hard work, effort and using perfect recourses, my site started transforming into one I truly love now! I'm proud to say that this site is my proudest creation. All with the help of w3schools, Stack Overflow, Google, YouTube and everything else!

This might also sound weird, but I started seeing sites differently. I started appreciating layouts and web designing more than usual (maybe I might pursue it as a career?) and mentally analyzed webs on how it was truly made. I mean looking at a website and thinking "Oh wow, that's alot of flex boxes" or something like that. You know what I mean? So if you're ever interested in coding stuff or learning more about technology and computers, please try it out! You may discover a new fun hobby and it may change your life!

Site by Dori (2024 -> Present time)