The news, site updates, newsletter, newsbox, website modifications, whatever you want to call it.

The site updates with cool things

Welcome to the site update section of this site. This is where I post things that I have modified on the website. You can read it if you want. This is updated when I remember to update it. To go back, click the header or over here! DD/MM/YYYY

Rouve Schkamitte, the unofficial news anchor

OMG this still exists?

Date: 19/1/2025

I'm not going to lie, I forgot this section existed. Like my memory full on wiped out cz ,,, Idon't remember making thiss lol. Well here's the current news...

1. Finally transfered ALL 2023 art on this site section, where I display all my art!!! That's publicly available, that is. It is very laggy though... Hope your RAM can handle it ;w;

2. Speaking of art, I'm going to revamp the artistree section a 100%. I made this during a time where I was ahem... stingy over my site storage. The images are blurred or resized as small as a microatom and It makes me SO SAD because u all deserve to see better than that </3. I got over this fear by realizing that life is short and I should spend my storage like no tomorrow.
Hey it sounds stupid but, it worked for me.

3. You, my friend will also be revamped. Sorry!!! BUT THE WINDOWS 95 THEME STAYS... (I love Windows 95 if it wasn't obvious.)

4. May add a opening page on the blog page soon. Like, a page where you're redirected to my other blog page entries you know? I'll try working on it soon hehe

5. Hope you noticed new images on the side on my about page xx

That's not all I did here. But hey, I don't want to make this longer...

The newest Updates

Date: 20/11/2024

ATTENTION BUTTON COLLECTORS My site has a brand new button! This time I decided to draw a different character for funsies, soo here is Rouve!

Since the letters are small, you can use it as a banner too! I am happy with the result!
2. Added "Lyrics" button in the about section on the right. When you click it, you get a pop up lyric of the song currently playing! Thank you Stack Overflow...
3. I am almost done with the index Christmas layout! Just need to find a suitable background and post it around the end of November... I'm just, so excited for Christmas !!! It's one of my favorite holidays ><

Decoration without glitter and sparkles

Date: 01/11/2024

I rarely update on the website update section... Let's see what I've done. I'm doing subtle layout changes. The about, I add new characters, images and changed the song and changed it BACK to the original song because I still love that song. The fun, the background and layout is a bit different. The miscellaneous, I add... 5 new websites buttons, but I wish to add more! I've also been rearranging foldiers and adding new pages, Glee's character page is one of them.

Art box

Date: 10/10/2024

I added a section to my section. It's in the miscellaneous section. Meet the Request box! It's obviosuly Windows 95 themed. Despite my forever undying love for that computer and overall era I don't make or code much related to it which has to change likee right now. Requests are open.. *happy smile*

Constant Remodelation

I'm moving so many foldiers because my site on the inside is super messy. It's a bit inconvenient but it shouldn't take long. Though there will definitely be many broken links and images. That is what I dislike about moving and moving so many things

Date: 21/09/2024


Date: 29/08/2024

I added a resources section on my website! I think it looks pretty neat.

And so, this was born.

Date: 24/08/2024

Today, I made this beautiful section of the website to show my site updates because I never liked how simple it was before. Even though not many people will see this (Because who reads site updates...?) I am proud of it. For reference, here is how it looked before.

What a huge improvement.

Cute Index. Please don't change it, future me.

Date: 10/08/2024

We are still updating, folks!

Date: 07/08/2024

I update everything on my website except this section. But I'm making changes. I keep changing the home page music because I'm indecisive, and my miscellaneous section has been updated. Really nice. The song. Believe me when I say finding that background song took me hours.

Beach Shop

Date: 28/07/2024

Instead of a commissions section, I made a shop section! It's beach themed and super cute, I love the result! The commission and example section looks like a huge mess, but I will figure out the layout and aesthetic soon probably. It will be pink, duuh =)

Website Neighbours

Date: 23/07/2024

THE BUTTONLESS (Now changed to INTERESTING) WEBSITES section has been added! And a Chi pet! May you enjoy raising her.

New section

Date: 11/07/2024

Haha 7/11 day. New day, new home page... And Miscellaneous section.


Date: ??/07/2024

I modified the commission page and added more examples.


Date: 28/06/2024

I have decided to add a new index page for any potential warnings people might encounter when visiting. I'll try and pretty-fy it when I wake up tomorrow! I also modified the home page! I love it!

One day later 29/6/2024: MY HOME PAGE! Please take a look at it! Oh my goodness, how did I even code THIS!?!


Date: 24/06/2024

I just found out how to centralize the little redirecting things on the top (The stuff that says Main, Commissions, Examples). I have to fix that right away. Also making my newest blog post very soon.


Date: 15/06/2024

Finally up !! Hooray!!

(On this day, I finished the home page and the other subpages)


Date: 05/06/2024

I am currently having so much fun. Coding this site is soo fun

(On this day, I changed many things that I don't remember.)

The start of many good things

Date: 01/06/2024

This site is still on maintenance~ Really starting to get proud of how this website is looking so far! Will probably be done and public in a few days due to how motivated I am~






To skip through news on your left, click the letters.

The daily scoop

So many interesting things happen everyday! Why don't you take your precious mortal time and read some of these events? (These are news related to my world. But who knows if it is real)

School Season

Winter break is over, it's time for school now!

Why are we still in school, just to suffer...


It will be hot on these days, so make sure to stay hydrated and turn that AC on!

Fighter Girls: Is the sequel really releasing?

This news will shock you to the core!

Date: 10s ago Written by Journalist Vani

Famegames, a well known video gaming company for producing best selling games such as "Callout 4", "Near cry" and "Devil May Smile" has released a statement regarding their formally announced video game sequel of "Fighter Girls".

On a gaming convention that happened (GameCon), the official manager of Famegames and developer of Fighter Girls has made a surprise appearance on a humble talk show. Tatsuki walks on stage, wowing us unexpected viewers and introduces himself. The talk show lasted around 40 minutes, but when the interviewer asked a question regarding a sequel for his beloved franchise, Tatsu was shocked.

At first...

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