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entretenimiento, divertiment, divertissement, distro, eğlence, ψυχαγωγία, развлечение, 오락, エンターテインメント

You might wonder what this section is for? And why is it entertaining? Well this is where I post stuff regarding my awesome (in my opinion) original characters and maybe you won't find this super entertaining after all. Then I apologize. I may have clickbaited you.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Like reading? Great! Here's the kind of stuff you can read:


Scrapped Mix

So many ideas, yet so little of them actually make it out on the final results! From stories to old designs, here are some I thought would be fun to share...

Old story


True gamers love this. Most of these aren't mobile friendly sorry

Featured About Me!

Explore 3 rooms with many objects and get to know me a bit better!

OC related games
Unrelated (but still cool) games...

Super Soccer

A intense singleplayer soccer match between 2 'rivals'...

Seule Run

Short story jumping story where you chase the ex

Chi Clicker

Cookie Clicker ripoff pls don't sue me

Scratch Paint

A chill drawing game that can cure boredom


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