♡ MelodyTV
19K Likes ♡ 212 Comments
♡ MelodyTV
Yo wassup!!! I'll be going on a fun lil trip to Nevada this week (hell yeah) which is kewl. I have some old content I can still post so there will be weekly uploads AS ALWAYSS. Yall will never miss out on my videos. I may or may not film some videos over there 👀👀
50K Likes ♡ 972 Comments
♡ MelodyTV
YALL SOLD OUT MY MERCH IN LESS THAN A DAY?!? I didn't expect this!!! It looks like I have to restock! Soooo No worry if you couldn't buy anything cuz soon you'll be able to around tmrr but that is if that stock also doesn't sell out too LOLOL
20K Likes ♡ 322 Comments
♡ MelodyTV
Would thy would be kind enough to bless me with video ideas 🙏🙏🙏
210K Likes ♡ 20.7k Comments

Yooo if you have a tiktok then I have one too @DaRealMelodyTV I'll just post some short clipss and maybe some special cool stuff winkj wink
31K Likes ♡ 729 Comments