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Chi: Dad, is that you?
???: No.
*awkward footsteps*
???: Of course it’s me! *yawn* Why are you awake so *early*...?
Chi: Welll dad _____ and I want to go at the bestest mall of all America and we want to shop! And do girly girls girl stuff! So please can I go, can I please go? Right now right now??
???: *...* Of course you can go. Just stay safe and call me if something happens. Please

Chi thanks the both of them and hugs them goodbye. Wow very cool. Now you must do the most important task of your life. GO OUTSIDE!!!


To save your game progress, you must note out which page you're on manually. Look at the link you're in above and revisit when you want to come back!

WE apologize for the inconvenience


Coded with love, Dori