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SHE HAS MADE IT. The two met in front of the same store as always. It was a fun sports store nearby many other fun unsporty stores.

The red haired girl tightly hugs Chi and in response Chi hugs her back. They make PROLONGUED EYE CONTACT for around 5 seconds before running through the store and grabbing shopping bags.

Despite the mall having many people, this store was empty. Maybe people don’t normally shop on Sporty Goods on beautiful Tuesday mornings?

Chi: Are you sure this is the right storeee Rouve?
VARIABLE SET TO ROUVE: Of course, friend Chi! This is the same store as always! Today, I am trying to look of a specific weight liftings.
Chi: Let’s find it together then! What’s it called?
Rouve: It is called *looks on phone* The “Sporty Good's Official Belly Jelly Jiggle Weight Set”. It is exclusive to this store only! I hoping it is not the sold out. ...


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Coded with love, Dori