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CONFROMTATIOAN how do you spell that

The male variable speaks in an annoyed tone. He elephant stomps closer to her. He doesn't look too happy but that's just my opinion.

???: You can't go runnin' around lookin' around our property without our gosh darn permission!

Chi: What?!? I have to ask for permission to look at things here now?!
???: *Ignores* Get out or Imma escort you the hard way.

Chi: Sir! No! I was looking for a weight set with my friend who's right here and-
???: I ain't gonna listen to any rebellious lil' rascals that don't follow rules around here! Leave this place!
Chi: I'm terribly sorry! I'm not a rascal I swear I guess it's something new the store implemented that I wasn't aware of!
???: . . . *no answer*

He tries forcibly drags her to the entrance, but she restrains.

Chi: Don't drag me! I'm terribly sorry to tell you this too but you have something illegal on your store too!

Was it a good idea to say that?


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WE apologize for the inconvenience


Coded with love, Dori