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There was an awkward silence. The silence was so loud that you could hear everything and everyone out the mall but nothing on this store. You could even hear a Saylor Twift song playing from out that clothing store.

He does a death stare.

???: So, you saw the box didn’t ya?
Chi: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
???: And what you gonna do about it? Be a goody two shoes and tell the cops on me? *kind of sarcastic*
Chi: Yeah! You won’t mind waiting a few minutes until they come, do you? *Grabs phone*
???: *Tosses phone to ground* Of course I mind! Leave now!
Chi: Huh! Hey! That’s so not nice of you! Now I’m not leaving here until the store is closed for good AND you get punished!!! For the paint and the phone!
???: *scoffs*
Chi: *scoffs mockingly*
???: *grunts*

The guy is elephant angrier and Chi subcounciously steps back, going to her purse and would you know it her mighty beautiful UNNAMED paint brush is there. This PAINT and brush it is safe though. This is the legal battle kind paint you use. Don’t get it confused with TOXIC PAINT.

> It's fighting time

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WE apologize for the inconvenience


Coded with love, Dori