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Dori's blogs!

Welcome. This is a written recollection of some parts of my life I want to share.


Page 1

You are currently reading page 1 ^u^ I may release a new page every 6 months. Please read from left to right, like you would read a book.


I accidentally became obsessed with these kinds of songs. It started when I was on YouTube and I saw a nostalgic ballad I liked. Now all I have been listening to this week have been these old, obscure and sappy Spanish love songs. They're great and I am fond of them. They're very cute and romantic but also corny and cliche... And don't murder me for this but they're better than most of recent music. So, Happy Friday the 13th. Or "Feliz Viernes Trece". It would have been even spookier if it was in October


nothing yet xxx

Let's Get Cooking!

I forgot to update on the 2 ingredient sorbet exactly 29 days ago. I apologize for that, but it tasted great! I added a pinch of sugar as a kind YouTube commentor suggested and it made it even awesome! It was more sweet, but not too sweet. Like lemon sweet. Other than sorbets, I would like to make tasty creations. For instance, I wish to do award winning fruity parfaits, or one of those healthy smoothie bowls. Or Crumbl Cookie styled cookies, but I don't like Crumbles, I have p r o b l e m s with them (In a loving way). Or a delicious 5 tier neapolitan ice cream cake with oh, unbearable amounts of frosting topped with fresh cherries and artificial rainbow sprinkles. Thinking about this much dessert is giving me the desire to eat these so badly. But at the same time, my body is repulsing it. I do not have an explanation for this.


Big boy book

I brought this book for 14 dollars. I saw it and I was like yes I need this. What I didn't account for were the pages. It had around 500. The text was quite small, so it would've had more if it was enlarged. The book was big and grabbing felt similar to grabbing my cat, heavy. If you are curious about the book, it's The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene. I thought it was cool and I'm kind of into psychology and learning about human nature. I normally read fiction fun stories, so this is way out of my comfort zone. But alas, I am excited to keep reading and push on those 500 pages!



Today I feel like this.


School is in the air!

School starts for us students. Or maybe it has already started and I'm too late! I can't believe summer is over. Time flew by so fast and I had one of the greatest summer ever. It was chill and gave me enough time to rest. I am not afraid or nervous of school surprisingly. It would have came sooner or later, and I'm prepared for the routinely cycle of studying, stress and slacking off with classmates. I hope this school year is better than the last one and that it doesn't interfere with commissions and work!


Quick, small entry. I went to the mall yesterday and brought some cargo pants and some shoes because I am lacking clothes and my goodness I must say those are the bestest pants I have ever brought in my life they are so comfortable and exactly how I wanted it to look like. You can never go wrong with cargo pants. I want a million more cargo pants now!



Happy August! A few days ago me and my family made one of the best looking and tasting stuffed crust pizza and ever since then I've been craving it like crazy. This morning I woke up and I want to try making new things. I went on youtube and saw the bestest thing ever, a 2 ingredient strawberry sorbet. I will do it once I publish this blog and I hope it goes well.


Sudden motivation

I want to do many things. I have enough spare time. I want to try making a cool comic or manga, or write a short romance story, or edit my website and make new pages or clean up the old ones I made all over again, or crochet a plush, or make popsicle stick pencil holders (I have made 3 today), or make the most beautiful art. I want to do many things. Will I do it? Maaaaybeeeee....


Milestone with 6 thousand curses

My website has reached a very important milestone today...

We have reached the QUADRUPLE 6 visit count! I think I may have done most of the visits myself but it makes me happy how there's real people interested on checking my site. So if you're reading this, *spognebob voice* hii how are ya

I'm grateful for the amount of support I've been recieving... Even a simple compliment is enough to make my days seem brighter. I've been working on managing my socials and growing my account organically. It's hard. It's tough. Looking and seeing how mostly nothing had went the way I thought it would go.

There had been days where my posts did good than expected. The most attention I've got is a 400 views and 33 likes which uhhhh how did I manage that? I'm proud of what I do, and I have a huge feeling I'll be successful soon. It's too late for me to give up, this is my goal. I'm determined. And inspired =)



Here's another obligatory Just Dance blog post because I really love this game. Yesterday I was playing it and I got my first Superstar... And MEGASTAR?! In a row?!

I'm proud because I kept getting 3-4 stars but never 5 stars!!! And because I thought my dancing skills are awful. But the game gave me those beautiful sparkly shiny stars and I never felt so confident before. It was like I was dancing on a stage and everyone clapped. And I had sweat mode on and it said I lost 200kcal, which is apparently "0.057143 lb" which I thought it would be more than that but I don't mind. I am thinking of buying a newer Just Dance because mine is quite old, it's 2018 and my best friend gave it to me. I might ask for it on Christmas or something... ><


I went to an eye doctor today.

It was an experience. There were few but many people ranged from eldery and parents to kids and teens. These sisters were playing some random finding game. One described a person or a thing and the other would look around and try to find it. They said something about a girl, a beanie and boots. I smiled a bit under my mask (throwback to 2020...) and played along, removing my beanie and boot saying something like "No, you got the wrong girl, I don't have a beanie and boots" XD Their faces were so funny she was in shock like "Whaaaaaat!!!" But it doesn't sound so funny when I'm writing it down.

On another note. I am aware that my sight will cease one day. So from now on I will see my vision to the fullest...


Lets all celebrate and conmemorate our history today

Happy Independence day!


I just got an commission and finished it all in a day. It feels so great. Also Just Dance is such a fun game. I wish I had it so I have been watching videos of them instead to relieve my dancing itch. Here's one I really like! Goodness gracious what a good dance!!!



My fan doesn't work. I dissassembled it, cleaned it and it won't work. It might be that the motor is faulty because it was like that before I even dissassembled it. I'd hoped I could've fixed it myself but I will leave the hard work to my grandfather, because he has more experience and knows what he is doing. I will miss my fan. I am a big fan of fans, I had so many other ones but they all broke on me or are not mine anymore.

Most of them are Lasko branded because it's one of the most afforable and well made fan on the market. This white fan I had I think they're in my parent's room. And a grey one (The same kind of fan! Pedestal fan)'s fan blade literally detached one night and woke me up with a ERRRRRererererrrrreeeee. I woke up terrified for my life and when I fixed it it only made it worse. I vividly remember I had a metal pedestal fan but I have no idea about the whereabouts of that one. Could it be at my local dumpster? And lastly, my floor fan, the one I talked about in the beginning. I used that one ALOT . I am not surprised it's not working but I'm sad it happened... Goodbye fan #4...

Let's hope I can get my dear fan #5 soon^^ And a rug, mine got full of dirt and grime and I had to trash it...

If pigs can fly, why can't cute charming cats too?

Hallo! I've finished a painting of mine I would like to share. I rarely paint with acrylics so I am quite proud of the results. It's...


The most iconic and revolutionary internet cat~ I wish I could take a better picture, but my old camera had to malfunction and I had to resort using my not so photographic phone instead. Other than painting acrylics and on my tablet, I also recently started to paint on a free insanely good art application, Krita! It was confusing at first because for me, it had alot of fancy buttons but it's such a great app! Here is an example of something I drew =D He's one of my original characters. I drew with a mouse since my drawing tablet isn't working for some reason. I think it could be outdated since it did release 12 years ago, and I spent hours attempting to set it up only for it to never work. I think it's time to buy a new one... But I'm too broke for that


WARNING: Disgusting, unedible and unappetizing cooking disaster!!!

Today, I think cooking is not so awful and intimidating. As I mentioned in my last blog I was awful back then. A great example to show would be pancakes. I love pancakes and they're the best breakfast ever. In October 2023 I tried making my own. I used an average pancake mix, no butter, non stick pan spray, eggs and I freestyled it and cooked it like there was no tomorrow and...


How could one mess up such a simple and loved food? I don't know. And I creatively added a touch of fruits which made it look like it's poisoned!!! It was just as bad as it tasted and I had to throw it to... the bin.

Some days past I made some incredible pancakes I wish I took a picture of. They browned evenly and tasted absolutely fantastic (And my mom is jokingly declaring me the cook of the house now)! This is all because I actually followed a recipe and didn't mash random ingredients hoping I'd get Gordon Ramsey quality food. The moral message of today is that please follow a recipe if you really don't know what you're doing, because the recipe does know what it's doing.


Awesome Homemade squares from Grandma

Hallo! Here's a tiny update on crocheting: I made these projects 2 days ago.

The quality might be horrid because I take these pictures on a 2010's camera (and I quite like the awfulness of it!). I have made a square, an accidentally unfinished rectangle (long story), and a messy flower. I might be getting the hang of this. Slowly but surely...

On another note. I made homemade Mozarella sticks yesterday and got to try them out today. I don't know what exactly went wrong but the cheese was all melty and it tasted more like bread crumbs and flour than an actual mozarella stick and it didn't taste horrible, no no! It tasted OK. I am certain I did a step wrong because last time my mother and I tried this it tasted absolutely breathtaking, but the ones I had were like edible tasty sticks of playdoh stuck on a plate. I'm not going to complain much because I can always try again, and it's still food so I will eat my creation anyways. I'm only bummed out because I am not good at cooking... (I've made worse foods, trust me)


My first entry!

Hallo! This is my first entry.
I don't journal much of my life, so I thought it would be fun to try it out for fun and keeping a log of my memories! Everytime I tried journaling, I get all excited by the idea and make the first page all pretty and sparkly, and I either forget about it or get unmotivated. I dont know what to write here except for the fact that I just made this page.

And because I want to add alot of information, I want to recount my day. Today at (approximately) 8AM I went to Walmart with my father. It was a pretty average grocery trip buuuut I went shopping for crochet related things and I brought black, white and pink yarn. I spent a few hours trying to crochet atleast something decent. I got through YouTube tutorials and got frustrated when I did a step wrong and change it and repeat this cycle of hope and frustration. I turn this frustration into a learning lesson. I realize I am going way too fast and learning a skill takes alot of time and effort. I'm not going to give up. And if I manage to make something pretty, the second thing I will do is post it here (First thing being admiring and gazing at it for hours).


Oh wow, you read every single post! I can't believe it =D