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???: What? Heeey! Don’t go setting me a name weird floating box! My name is Chi!!!

Oh. Sorry... Now VARIABLE SET TO CHI is able to respond to the call. I hope you did not forget she was on a CALL.

Chi: Oooh, where?
???: To shopping! Dumbbells, protein shakes, tennis rackets, deodorant and you know other girl stuff.
Chi: Oooh ooh! That sounds like fun! We HAVE to go!
???: Great, good! I see you at the mall then! On the same store as always.

They say their goodbyes before hanging up. Chi changes her outfit and puts her goodies into her purse. She does a thinkative pose and speaks out loud. “If I’m leaving, it'd be a good idea to tell DAD first!”


To save your game progress, you must note out which page you're on manually. Look at the link you're in above and revisit when you want to come back!

WE apologize for the inconvenience


Coded with love, Dori