01. Cool Neon



Mobile Friendly?: No
Use: Can be used anywhere, can me modified, can be inspired by, can be merged
Toyhouse: Turn off WYSIWYG + Turn on Code viewing

   <!-- Hallo I am Dori. Thank you so much for wanting to using my code. It may be confusing because I've been coding for. About 2 months...? So that's why I made this free to use... I'm trying to improve my coding skills. If it confusing or buggy please feel free to contacts me 
The colors I used are the following

#0000FF Solid Blue
#00FFFF Dashed Aqua
#000000 Solid Black
#FF00FF Magenta

<div class="box" style="
  display: flex;
  background: #000000;
  border:2px solid #00ffff;border-radius:10px 10px 0px 0px;margin:0px;width:65%;margin:auto">
  <!--- Div class "box" is the solid blue box you see. "in" are the black spaces. --->
  <div class="in" style="border-radius:10px;
  background-color: #000000;
  margin: 6px;
  padding: 5px;border:2px solid #ff00ff;max-height:250px;overflow-y:scroll;scrollbar-width: none;">
    <!--- Insert your user on <h1>, and on <p> change it and describe yourself. --->
 <h1 style="color:#0000ff;margin:0px">
   username // nickname
    <p style="color:#ffffff"> gender ☆ age ☆ pro/noun ☆ species </p>
    <hr style="border:1px dashed #ff00ff">
 <p style="color:#ffffff"> 
    I am just your average Toyhouse user who likes making cool original characters and cool original art. I am from earth and I am a living breathing being. Nice to meet you. These text boxes can scroll too, so feel free to length this text to your hearts content.
   <br> <br>
   Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself
Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself
  <!--- END OF ABOUT. --->
   <div style="
  background-color: #000000;
  margin: 6px;
  padding: 5px;border:0.1em solid #00ffff;border-radius:10px;
  <!--- filler image to make it more cool. You can add your character and link it back to them using <a> ^u^ --->
    <img src="https://file.garden/ZoSuSVZJg1bmA34p/ToyhouseHTML/cat2.jpg"
     <p style="color:#ffffff">
<!--- End of box 1! --->

<!-- Start of box 2! --->
<div class="box" style=" display: flex;
  background: #000000;
  border:2px solid #00ffff;border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px;margin:0px;width:65%;margin:auto">
  <div style="
  background-color: #000000;
  margin: 6px;padding: 5px;border:0.1em solid #00ffff;border-radius:10px;
scrollbar-width: none;width:100%;
    <!-- socials section 1/3 -->
 <a style="color:#0000ff"
   Social #1
<span style="color:white">☆</span>
    <a style="color:#0000ff"
   Social #2
    <a style="color:#0000ff"
   Social #3
    <span style="color:white">☆</span>
    <a style="color:#0000ff"
   Social #4
    <a style="color:#0000ff"
   Social #5
    <span style="color:white">☆</span>
    <a style="color:#0000ff"
   Social #6
     <a style="color:#0000ff"
    <Img src="https://file.garden/ZoSuSVZJg1bmA34p/ToyhouseHTML/bongocat.png" style="width:150px;height:auto;">
    <!--- You can modify the credits (How it looks like) But try not remove it entirely :( -->
<A href="https://toyhou.se/doritochan001" style="text-align:center;color:#999;text-decoration:none">
 Coded with love
  <!--- Social section END --->
  <!--- Section 2/3 --->  
  <div style="
  background-color: #000000;
  margin: 6px;
  padding: 5px;border:0.1em solid #00ffff;border-radius:10px;
scrollbar-width: none;width:100%;
  <h1 style="color:#00FFFF;margin:0px">
    before following...
    <hr style="border:1px dashed #00ffff">
  <p style="color:#ffffff"> Warn your viewers about potential content they may see </p>
    <h1 style="color:#ffffff;margin:0px"></h1>
<p style="color:#ffffff">
Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself
  <!--- Section 2 END --->

  <!-- Now here's where it gets fun. Interests!
  Section 3/3 --->
  background-color: #000000;
  margin: 6px;padding: 5px;border:0.1em solid #ff00ff;border-radius:10px;max-height:220px;
 overflow-y:scroll;scrollbar-width: none;width:100%">
    <h1 style="color:#0000ff;margin:0px">fandoms!</h1>
 <hr style="border:1px dashed #ff00ff"> 
<p style="color:#ffffff">
☆ Talk about your interests or things you really like. <br>
☆ Specific video game <br>
☆ Specific anime. <br>
☆ Specific manga <BR>
☆ Specific show <br>
☆ Literally almost <br>
☆ Anything you <br>
☆ Can think of! <br>
  <br> <br>
  Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself Here's an example so you can scroll yourself