You are prepared for your destination...

Which planet would you like to visit? The listed ones are ones that have been found... Who knows how many are still out there lurking?

Please understand that most pages are unfinished.


A planet with ordinary humans, animals & anthropomorphized beings. Daytime is when the moons out, and nighttime is when the sun's out. Clownfishes are the rarest fish, costing around $100,000 per fish. Snow tastes like grass and billions of habitats reside here. This planet has many off brand products to avoid nonexistent copyright problems. Your "Apple IPhone" is this planet's "Orange MyPhone".


"Wait, they look the exact same!" Do not be fooled. This planet stands out because the people in it have magical powers. There are moslty humans, but vampires, elves, monsters, dragons and fairies live here! Most are harmless. But soon this planet may face great danger...


A planet known for being super colourful and vibrant. If you're visiting, the colours may overwhelm you so much you go blind. It's advised to use special color glasses. For the habitants it's just a normal Tuesday.

Fun fact: Even though these characters live on different planets and worlds, it is still technically possible for them to meet up. This is because we are using the power of fiction and imagination. Also because I love seeing my characters interact together but shh

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