Chi Balloon

Chi is a girl. And she has been turned into a balloon. This defies the laws of nature. How is such a thing possible?

She was first seen emerging into a bag, with a Sharpie marked face and body on a pink balloon head. Chi looked happy. Her smile never faded away once. It only grew more and more wider, maybe as part of imagination or the marker smears. She grew a conscience and went floating to places.

In one instance. she would call this her home, but in reality it was a trash can. But Chi wouldn't know what a trash can is, she's a simple minded balloon. Balloons can never think, they can only float.

Chi finds an empty notebook and a marker. Her instinct tells her to draw on it. So drawing, she does!

She draws herself and her family as happy little balloons. How did she manage to draw with her eyes closed?

She floats away and comes across a mirror. Chi liked looking at herself. It was like there were 2 Chi's staring directly at eachother, but it's her staring at herself! She looks at herself for probably a few hours.

It must get tiring staring at the place indefinitely! So resting, she goes.

She floats to a nearby bed and stays still. Chi must be sleeping, but it's hard to tell because her eyes are always closed.

Something is wrong. Loud air noises could be heard from her. It wasn't a noise an ordinary balloon would make.

Her time was up.

Balloons don't live much. For her and for you, this felt like minutes. But in reality, it has been weeks since her creation.

Chi balloon had many dreams unacomplished. She never went outside, or met another balloon partner. Now she is back in the place she dearly called home, also formally known as the trash can.